Post by DarkSheerThat's good though. We need some sort of sailor moon revitalization here in
the states. And not in a live action movie kinda way. =)
Well, the like action show was quite a hype in Japan I think. And it's
not even that bad. The actors are quite lovely, the story is at least
trying to follow the Anime plot and it's not even halve as bad as the
other live actions shows out there.
Post by DarkSheerWe need to get
more fans, newer ones to become engrossed in the show. But how?
A revival of the Anime. New episodes, with a more up to date drawing
style (the drawing style is okay, but you see that it's old), more
ecchiness (hey, society opened up quite a bit - not so long ago I saw
one member of the Bloodhount Gang running around nude on TV, uncensored,
you saw everything between his legs swinging around in public TV), more
fighting (SM has some great fighting scenes, but they are very rare,
most of the time the monster of the day is defeated after running for
cover for a while and then a single attack - that is not enough action
for today), more up to date jokes (humor is not the same anymore).
You see, the most successful shows were shows that kept on going and
going and going. Even when there were times nobody wanted to see them,
they kept on going. An four generations could enjoy them, though the
ones of the first seasons may not like the late ones and the other way
round, as just like society changed over the years, so did the show.
And I see only three ways for that. One is to create a new story line,
that plays somewhere between the original ones (e.g. one that plays
between R and S). It's just important that they never conflict with the
stories following after them.
The second alternative is to cover a new age range. Original show
features the characters from 14 to 16 (inner senshi), so you could
create a show that covers 16 to 18 (which alone would increase the
echhiness level dramatically ^_^). Again 2 years to go for at least
another 200 episodes, maybe this time 400.
Recently I was in the chat channel of Japan-A-Radio, great online music
station, is free (donate to help it keep sending), plays Japanese JPOP
charts, but every day they have one or more anime hours, where they only
play from anime soundtracks. They air low and high quality MP3 streams,
but also aacPlus and Ogg. I always listen to the Ogg stream, it has only
48 kbit/s (just like the low MP3 stream), but sounds like the high MP3
stream (128 kbit/s), saves bandwidth, sounds great.
Anyway, somebody there asked which anime has the most episodes and
immediately people said Sailormoon in reply. Which is funny, as it is so
far away from reality. There are shows with so many more episodes. How
about the complete Dragonball Series? (Z alone has 291 episodes and the
classic one has 153, GT has 64) And Dragonball is far away of the
longest. The longest one we could find had several thousand and was
running for decades and is still on air. Nonetheless, that fact, that SM
has many episodes somehow got stuck in people's mind... funny.
So, now what is the last option? The last option is a real movie. See
how much the Tomb Raider movie hyped the game again. But it must be made
really good, real actors, good looking ones, a real, good plot, great
special effects and so on. The hard part is to find young actors, that
can be made looking close to the anime characters without starting to
look ridiculous. So maybe the way out is to make a computer rendered
Think about it: A SM movie in the quality of Final Fantasy. Final
Fantasy's plot was so bad, it was one of the worst I know. But the
quality, holly cow, I still haven't seen anything better. Nothing Pixar
has done so far came close to it. There where some darker scenes where I
couldn't even tell that it is computer rendered (when the soldiers where
in the broken city, where the flower was found). Whoever wants to see a
movie in unbelievable quality, that's the one to go. And the main
character is anime style and still looks authentic.
A computer rendered movie gives unlimited possibilities regarding
special effects, sceneries and that all without any additional costs.
And all you need are good voice actors, all other actors come from the
computer and never get too old for another sequel. Well, you need a
render farm (I think Final Fantasy rendered for two years), motion
capturing, some 3D artists that can create models and sceneries, some
rendering software and a plot. And plenty of time of course between
modeling the last scene and having the rendered result, as during
production you only render in preview quality, to have a rough guess how
the scene is going to look and only some special effects are rendered
with full quality to check how they look (and these usually only cover a
couple of seconds of the movie). Once everything is done, you start to
re-render all the scenes and that can take weeks, months, years.