I'm more-or-less leaving ;_; [not of my own choosing]
(too old to reply)
19 years ago

Just to let you know, rogers.com is dropping Usenet groups as of this
Thursday (Dec. 15th). ;_; I'll try to keep up to date on the web, but I
can't promise anything.

And while I could sign up with the very group that they were using, I don't
think I'd want to effectively *double* what I pay now each month to read
through nearly a dozen groups I'm subscribed to - and besides, most of the
binary groups I'm subscribed to are drowning in lolita/underage porn.

I've had lots of fun here over the years. ^_^

Anybody have any suggestions for discussion and/or binary groups - Yahoo,
Google or MSN - that they can recommend?


"I only have three questions:
1) Why are we decending?
2) Why is it getting hotter?
3) What are we doing in a wicker basket?"

[Revised 6/30/2005]
MakoCode (1.0.0) SJ:6+ X:*****/****[*] O:d+:h+++[-]:a:c++
(Myuu makes me want to purr. ^_^;;;)
AmiCode (1.0.0) MA:5- X:*****/** O:d+[+]:h++:u++
ReiCode (1.0.0) RH:4+ X:*****/*[*] O:d-:h+
PuCode (1.0.0) SP:3- X:*****/* O:d:h++[-]

(All the others I just don't know about.)
Lyrical Nanoha
19 years ago
Post by Dave
Anybody have any suggestions for discussion and/or binary groups - Yahoo,
Google or MSN - that they can recommend?
Suppose you could use Google if you had to, after all that's what I used
up until I got Verizon (who offered usenet - my previous ISP, System
Resource, did not).

Robyn, Duke of Amber
19 years ago
On Mon, 12 Dec 2005 00:41:47 -0500, "Dave"
Post by Dave
Just to let you know, rogers.com is dropping Usenet groups as of this
Thursday (Dec. 15th). ;_; I'll try to keep up to date on the web, but I
can't promise anything.
I'm actuallt subscribing to giganews myself...
after/when Rogers drops it and in a couple of months going to a
Southern Ontario DSL (sentex.ca) which offers unlimted downloads 45
gb of monthly giganews and is about $10 cheaper than rogers.


Friend of Key the electric Assasin.
Will you be one of her 10000 victims
Rick Pikul
19 years ago
Post by Dave
Anybody have any suggestions for discussion and/or binary groups - Yahoo,
Google or MSN - that they can recommend?
While good binary Usenet access will cost, for the text groups you might
want to get an news.individual.net account (10 EUR/year).
Robyn, Duke of Amber
19 years ago
Giganews is still cheaper....
I think it's like $9 US for txt groups and $12 for the silver (binaries)

Date: Sun, 25 Dec 2005 00:26:02 -0500
Newsgroups: alt.fan.sailor-moon, alt.hentai.sailor-moon
Subject: Re: I'm more-or-less leaving ;_; [not of my own choosing]
Post by Dave
Anybody have any suggestions for discussion and/or binary groups - Yahoo,
Google or MSN - that they can recommend?
While good binary Usenet access will cost, for the text groups you might
want to get an news.individual.net account (10 EUR/year).
Seraphim, the Restless Angel with a (borrowed) sword.
Robyn, Duke of Amber. Agent of Chaos.
Rick Pikul
19 years ago
Post by Robyn, Duke of Amber
Post by Rick Pikul
While good binary Usenet access will cost, for the text groups you might
want to get an news.individual.net account (10 EUR/year).
Giganews is still cheaper....
I think it's like $9 US for txt groups and $12 for the silver (binaries)
Take a closer look at Individual's price: That's ten Euros per _year_,
not per month.
Twilight Ghost
19 years ago
Browser-only--no Usenet reader needed. No binaries though.


If you want to reply, you have to register (free).
The Wanderer
19 years ago
Also a very bad idea for other reasons, some of which I referred to
briefly not long ago in conversation with Mord on a.f.s-m and some of
which have cropped up in discussion elsewhere in comparatively recent
times. Google Groups works well enough, albeit not ideally, as an
archive of Usenet posts - but as a posting service, much less a "read
the latest messages" service, it leaves magnitudes to be desired.
The Wanderer

Warning: Simply because I argue an issue does not mean I agree with any
side of it.

Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny.
19 years ago
Not to mention that some of us filter out Googlegroups because of the
amount of trolls and spammers that use the service. It wouldn't be so bad
if Google actually took responsibility for the rubbish that gets posted in
this way, but they don't. Send LART reports to them, what you normally get
back is "get used to it, cause we don't give a f*** about it". The service
is falling into the same trap that killed off "my-deja".

I know that AOL have already gone down this road. I also know that other
ISP's are looking to drop Usenet as a service. Well, fair enough. There
seems to be a wholesale move towards other forms of services, especially
IM, most of which are tied up in proprietory clients whilst open services
such as Usenet and IRC are being sidelined. It's sad, IMHO, especially as
it means that users are being forced into little ghettos rather than the
big, open communities that used to thrive.
//\ // Chika <***@penfuarg.bet.hx. - ROT13>
// \// Hitting Googlespammers with hyper-hammers!

... Is this yours? Your dog left it on my lawn ...
The Wanderer
19 years ago
(Okay, internal reversal there - the "posting" and "read the latest
messages" should be swapped for most sensical meaning.)
Post by Chika
Not to mention that some of us filter out Googlegroups because of the
amount of trolls and spammers that use the service. It wouldn't be
so bad if Google actually took responsibility for the rubbish that
gets posted in this way, but they don't. Send LART reports to them,
what you normally get back is "get used to it, cause we don't give a
f*** about it". The service is falling into the same trap that killed
off "my-deja".
Which is a somewhat ironic kind of thing, since Google Groups is (at its
base) merely the latest incarnation, under the ownership of Google, of
the Usenet archive which began life as DejaNews...
Post by Chika
I know that AOL have already gone down this road. I also know that
other ISP's are looking to drop Usenet as a service. Well, fair
enough. There seems to be a wholesale move towards other forms of
services, especially IM, most of which are tied up in proprietory
clients whilst open services such as Usenet and IRC are being
sidelined. It's sad, IMHO, especially as it means that users are
being forced into little ghettos rather than the big, open
communities that used to thrive.
It's not an inexorable or absolute trend, however, and I'm not yet
convinced that it's going to be a complete one in the end.
The Wanderer

Warning: Simply because I argue an issue does not mean I agree with any
side of it.

Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny.
19 years ago
I wasn't unaware of that irony, which is why I mentioned it. The
difference seems to be that Google is becoming yet another Merkan
corporate giant with some questionable attitudes towards ethics where
Dejanews just seemed to haemorrage money.
I hope it isn't, but too many new users are blinded by the nice colours of
IM clients and browser interfaces. Give them a text only interface and
they seem to lose interest. Consider that many of the major players
(Microsoft, Yahoo, AOL/Netscape and so forth) are pushing IM clients and
seem to be disinterested in such technologies as NNTP which tend to be
resistant to tarting up measures such as HTML posts and large attachments
(and to be honest, long may that continue. I still believe that HTML is
best left on the web).
//\ // Chika <***@penfuarg.bet.hx. - ROT13>
// \// Hitting Googlespammers with hyper-hammers!

... Television is so dull that children are doing their homework.